Monday, July 28, 2014


Life Taught lessons to me
  • when freedom is over used or abused it's restricted by rules.
  • Asking for help is much easier and useful than fighting for the rights.
  • If survival of the fittest is the universal answer, the real question is how do we survive, Like a King or like a person who doesn't worry about who the hell is a king.
  • Inferior and superior can be said as "Just different"
  • If you are saying your problem to someone,It's only enough if they listened to you, They need not solve it, You'll feel relieved.

From one of the Books Siva Triology  
  • If everyone takes care of their duty, no one have to take care of their rights.
  • Good and Evil are the two sides of a same coin.
  • Greater good can be turned into greater bad by the passage of time or over usage of that greater good.

 Two primary kids of same age of five years old lost their legs from below their knee due to an accident. And they were friends. One lost both of right and left leg while the other lost only one leg. They were admitted to the hospital and the bottom part of their legs were removed and treated to cure it as soon as possible. Their parents got shocked to know theirs sons lost their legs and rushed to the hospital. First parent said while entering into the room on seeing his son who had lost only one leg,"Oh my dear!! boy, without one leg how can you walk play jump and roam around, why god gave you such a punishment and so on "

           The second parent came inside the hospital and hiding his sorrow on seeing his son, laying on bed, without both the legs. and said with happy face"At-last you need not polish your shoes and wash your shocks my dear son, You need not worry about your slipper and thorn, You can increase your height by adjusting your artificial legs, we are going to fix you, Need not worry about cutting the nails of your legs and so on."

           They took their sons soon after their recovery from injury. Years passed and when the children become young men.The man with no legs was a sports person in paralympic games
and the other was still worrying about his legs.

The thing to be considered is not the accident or incident but the viewing perspective.....
----------Wishing you readers all success

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